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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Can a chord really do that!?!?

I was teaching 6 year old Saif the other day; he had his first piece with a three-note chord and the funniest thing happened. Every time he played the chord, he giggled! I loved it! Later that week, I was playing a piece arranged by Teresa Wilhelmi, a wonderful christian jazz artist.  I came across one of her wonderful, unexpected jazz chords and I had a "Ooh" moment, kind of like a giggle inside and I thought of Saif!  Music can really do that!  Although there is nothing really new under the sun, I am so glad that in rare moments, something catches us off guard and a truly honest response happens.  Life still has surprises and music still moves us to feel something we cannot quite express with words.  We just feel it and enjoy the moment.  It is hard to imagine my life without those moments.  While I know that everyone is not wired to feel through music, I know that everyone needs to at least explore possibilities.  You never know  .  .  .  .  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome to Kathy Cooper Studios!!

It is so exciting to start a new website!  I'll be checking in on the blog, showing what all is going on with my piano students, as well as my music life - piano teacher, rock & roll keyboardist with WHITE CHOCOLATE, harpist with PANACHE and music director at WINFIELD UMC!!  I hope to feature some of my students in videos, too.  When I think about when I was a student, it occurs to me that I am still a student and hope I always will be.  Some people are surprised when I say that I still practice!  Music is a never ending journey - the fun is the ride - not getting to a destination and stopping. I guess that's why I love to teach - I get to ride along with my students and remember what a good time I had along the way where they are now.  Now, I get to do so many different musical things and get to share the experience with lots of other musicians.  Life is good!!